
Hi, I’m Anirudh.

I’m currently pursuing a fifth-year master’s degree in Computer Science at Brown University. Before this, I graduated with honors from Brown, with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. I also received the senior prize in Computer Science awarded to the top graduating seniors in the department. I’m a member of the ATLAS research group at Brown where I’m advised by Nikos Vasilakis. My work focuses on using formal methods to better understand shell programs. You can find out more by reading my undergraduate thesis. Apart from programming languages/formal methods, my main academic interest is in computational biology. I previously was a member of the Fairbrother lab at Brown where I worked with deep learning models to better understand splicing.

Outside of academia, I spent two summers interning at the Automated Reasoning Group at Amazon Web Services (AWS). My work there focused on building software infrastructure to deploy SAT/SMT solvers at cloud scale as well as verifying solver results using proof checkers.

I’m currently looking for full-time job opportunities starting in the summer of 2025.

You can reach me at anirudh_narsipur@brown.edu